Operation Process and Flow Process Chart (With Diagram)

This is also known as outline process chart and it provides a compact over all view of the whole system of operations involved in the production of a product. In this chart only the main activities (i.e. operations and inspections) carried out to complete a job are recorded in the sequence of their occurrence but irrespective of where they are performed and who performs them.

Thus only symbols of process chart are used in preparing it. Sometimes a brief note about the nature each activity (may be operation or inspection) and the time allowed are mentioned by the side of symbols. The processing to material i.e. various activities are shown vertically on the entry or purchase of material by horizontal lines as shown in Fig 18.1. (The operation process chart for the fabrication of a riveted assembly.

An operation process chart has following advantages:



(i) To improve shop/plant layout

(ii) Helps in specifying the basic manufacturing system.

(iii) Helps in determining sequence of assembly and the scheduling activities regarding dates of purchased material and completion dates for fabricated parts.

(iv) To introduce the new technical personal with the manufacturing system.

Flow Process Chart:

A flow process chart is a chart showing the sequence of the flow of a product by way of recording all activities/events under review with appropriate symbols. This chart is similar to operation process chart with the difference that it utilizes symbols of operation, transportation, inspection, delay and permanent storage. The operation times and distances moved are also recorded along the symbols side.

Flow process chart are of three types:

Man, Machine and Material. These charts are shown in Figs. 18.3, 18.4 and 18.5.

The man type flow process chart shows the process from the point of view of man/operator. It indicates the activities of man throughout the process.

The machine type flow process chart shows the activities from the point of view of machines involved. A chart for example of a boring machine will ignore the whole of activities except the past in which boring machine is involved. It will not indicate any movement of men or materials.

The material type flow process chart shows the process from the materials point of view utilized during the process. It shows the introduction of all materials whether raw material or finished components and represents all information regarding operations and inspections carried out on the during process diagrammatically.

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